

Graeme Hugo Colloquium

Wednesday December 2 2015
Australian National University, Canberra

Presentation highlights from the Graeme Hugo Colloquium celebrating his life and work.


The Australian Family – What does it look like in the 21st Century?

Monday March 23 2015
Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning, Melbourne

In the first decade of the 21st century there has been rapid change in patterns of family formation. This seminar showcases new partnering and fertility patterns that have emerged over the past ten years. Authors of a new book, Family Formation in 21st Century Australia, present research on the diverse families seen in Australia today and will take part in a panel discussion.

Dr Genevieve Heard
Editor, Family Formation in 21st Century Australia
Introduction and overview

Dr Lyndon Walker
Swinburne University
Interethnic partnering

Dr Deb Dempsey
Swinburne University
Same-sex relationships and family formation

Dr Kim Johnstone
Australian National University
Indigenous families



Tasmania’s Population: some misconceptions

Thursday 10 April 2014
Hobart Tas

Tasmania’s population is a topic of much debate – whether it be its size, the rate of growth or the ageing status of the population – it’s a conversation guaranteed to be a barbecue stopper.  Regardless, the population of Tasmania is undergoing significant change which will have very real and important impacts on both the economy and society.  This forum will identify and discuss four critical misconceptions about the influences on Tasmania's population and draw out implications and opportunities for policy-makers and strategists. Guest speakers include Lisa Denny, Amina Keygan, Lee Veitch, and Neil Scott.

Global Connections: Perspectives on International Migration in Sydney and Australia

Wednesday 26 March 2014
Sydney NSW

International migration has been a driving force in Australia’s population growth since the turn of the millennium. At its peak Australia received a net gain of nearly 300,000 international migrants. While net overseas migration (NOM) levels have eased since this peak, new projections suggest that NOM will again be the dominant driver of population growth into the future. This seminar discussed the importance of NOM to the population growth, recent trends and future prospects of Australia.

Professor Graeme Hugo from the University of Adelaide, and Dr Alison Taylor from NSW Planning and Infrastructure addressed the 40 people strong audience on the topic of international migration. Professor Hugo primarily focused on the numerous factors influencing the global spike in migration, while Dr Taylor highlighted potential futures for NSW and Sydney using various international migration scenarios. The night concluded with a vibrant (if a little short) Q & A time. Many attendees discussed the topics further with the speakers following the event.

The Ageing of the NSW Population

Monday 2 December 2013
Sydney NSW

The population of NSW is ageing. Over the next 20 years, the number of people aged 65 or older in NSW is projected to grow by 78%. This has many social and economic implications. This seminar discussed these challenges by analysing the latest available data and drawing out implications for disability and aged carers, health and housing sectors. Speakers included Mr Alan Jenner, Manager Statistical Coordination, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mr Ian Day, CEO Council of the Ageing (COTA) NSW, Mr Mark Bartlett, Manager Analysis for Policy Program, Sax Institute, and Dr Catherine Bridge, Associate Professor Faculty of Built Environment UNSW. The event was attended by 40 people.

How long will we live?

Thursday November 21 2013
Canberra ACT

In conjunction with the APA Annual General Meeting, the 2013 Borrie Lecture was held on 21st November. Again ADSRI provided valuable support including the venue at ANU. Over 50 people registered to attend the lecture, which was provided by Associate Professor Heather Booth of ADSRI. Heather’s topic was “How long will we live? The longevity revolution and what it means for Australia”, a topic with considerable relevance for all of us. Heather’s lecture included a plea for more research on the characteristics and conditions of older people as well as a call for more data to be disaggregated by older age groups.

NSW Population Now and in the Future

Wednesday 11 September 2013
Sydney NSW

The first Sydney based APA event in quite a while was held on Wednesday 11 September. The 50 participants were treated to a range of detailed and entertaining presentations. The night started with Mr Paul Roper (Australian Bureau of Statistics) discussing the ABS' recent changes to the regional population data, this was followed by Dr Kim Johnstone (NSW Department of Planning & Infrastructure and APA Council member) presenting the hot-off-the-press NSW preliminary population projections, and after this there were three presentations looking at the implications of the population projections. Firstly, Professor Peter Phibbs (University of Sydney and new APA member) broadly discussed the implications for the planning sector, secondly Associate Professor Nick Parr (Macquarie University and former president of the APA) analysed the implications for the NSW local court and finally by Dr Keith Bramma (NSW Transport and new APA member) presented on implications for the transport sector. The Q&A session was engaging with questions posed to all five panel members, and many people stayed around for an extended networking session afterwards.

The APA council members based in Sydney are hoping to hold functions like these on a semi-regular basis with the next seminar being planned for early December. More details will be available to APA members through the fortnightly APA Update emails.

Migration to Australia - impact of changing government policies

Tuesday 10 September 2013
Adelaide SA

The seminar was held on Tuesday 10 September and went extremely well with 60 participants attending. Participants were from wide ranges of organisations: Department of Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia, ABS, Department of Immigration, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Fairmont Group, students/researchers from all three South Australian universities and other interested individuals.

Professor Peter McDonald presented a great insight the Australian migration dynamics and drew a good amount of attention from the audience.

Changing face of mining communities in Australia

Thursday 5 September 2013
Australian National University, Canberra

This seminar, held in conjunction with the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, was attended by around 40 people. Two very interesting presentations covered 10 towns and how they have been affected by the latest mining boom, and an analysis of several coal mining communities in Queensland including details on the number of FIFO workers. This was followed by a spirited question and discussion session, which carried on well after the conclusion of the seminar.

Ross Barker
Resource communities in Queensland - Evolution or Revolution

Alan Wong
Towns of the mining boom

For further information, please refer to these relevant ABS publications:

Western Australia - Outback: A Population Overview

Towns of the Mining Boom

The Demography of South Australia

Wednesday 24 July 2013
Flinders University, Adelaide

The seminar was held on Wednesday 24 July and was attended by 31 people. There were representations from Adelaide City Council, South Australian Government offices, DIAC, the Department of Community Services, the University of Adelaide, and Flinders University.

Professor Graeme Hugo
Australian Population and Migration Research Centre, The University of Adelaide
The Demography of South Australia - an overview of past trends and future prospects

Professor Graeme Hugo gave an outstanding presentation, which contained valuable data and information. A video of the presentation can be found here.

Canberra celebrates its centenary - 100 years of population change

Friday 22 March 2013
Australian National University, Canberra

In the 100 years since Canberra was formally named on 12 March 1913 as Australia's capital, its population has grown from a small rural community of less than 2,000 people (outnumbered by sheep and cattle at a ratio of over 500 to 1), to a city made up of over 100 suburbs and nearly 400,000 people. The drivers of growth have differed from many other cities whose transport advantages, location and accessibility supported the more common trade and economic foundations of growth. It wasn't until 1960 that Canberra's population reached 50,000, finally reaching 300,000 in 1994 and a point where city's size actually contributed to its growth. Nonetheless, Canberra's planned suburbs and reliance on government administration for employment and economic stimulation have helped to shape population growth trends over the last century and continue to do so today.

This seminar examined the patterns of Canberra's growth over the past 100 years, with a focus on the period since 1971 when the concept of the estimated resident population was introduced. Contributions to growth from natural increase and migration are considered and the characteristics on which Canberra differs from the other main cities of Australia are highlighted. Census data from as far back as 1911, together with other data sources from the past few decades, was used to provide an overview of Canberra's changing community of the past 100 years.

Presenters included Dr Alison Taylor, formerly the ACT Demographer and President of the Australian Population Association and Denise Carlton, Regional Director ACT, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The Future for Overseas Migration in Australia

Friday 26 October 2012
Australian National University, Canberra

Over 60 people attended this seminar organised by the Australian Population Association, reflecting the importance attributed to this component of Australia’s population growth. After a light lunch, participants heard short presentations from five speakers. This was followed by a panel session that included questions and answers, and comments from each panel member about their views on the level of net overseas migration in future years.